Coworking in Khao Sok Thailand on the lake with a laptop

Life-changing Nomad Retreats: My Journey Through These 8 Transformative Events

HI there, I’m Ranika, a seasoned nomad that started her digital journey through covid and went south to Mexico. I meticulously researched travel programs and nomad retreats where I could work as well as finding a balance between the two, with a full time job, was of utmost importance.  I researched the big 3 at the time: Remote Year (now acquired by Selina), Hacker’s Paradise and Wifi Tribe. 2 out of the 3 were heading to Playa del Carmen, Mexico.  I went with Wifi Tribe as the price point was a bit better for me. They actually had an online chapter prior that I joined as I was honestly a bit lonely during Covid and keen on meeting those with an adventurous travel spirit.  That was October 2020, since then I’ve been fully nomadic bopping around places with a current max of 2 months. This is normally on the faster side as now slomads (aka nomads living in a place for 3-6 months) and expats I’d like to define as people who are keen on establishing roots in a spot for a good amount of time through extensive visa processes.  There’s quite a few nomad visas out there enabling longer stays like the 1 year Brazil visa, SE Asia visa and even the 2 year Greece nomad visa which allows nomads to stay in the EU for that duration! What is a nomad retreat? A group of individuals that are keen on experiencing the culture in a particular part of the world with a like-minded community to explore, eat, learn and connect with that place with a built in network. They can be hands-on with activities like DNA, Cloud Connections, or Bansko Nomad Fest. They can be community led like the longer Wifi Tribe or Hacker’s Paradise. Wifi Tribe: What it is: Big group size of 20-25 remote independent people traveling to nomad hotspots This has been my OG and the beginning of my nomad retreat travel in 2020. I traveled extensively with WifiTribe as they bring in a lot of repeat people that you form ties with. This eventually leads to the branching of new bonds and friendships under a slack group. I’m retired from Wifi Tribe as of today as I haven’t renewed the annual fee however some of my best nomad friends have been discovered thanks to WifiTribe.  Highlights include the community and vetting process. It’s a great option for first timers.  Lowlights: not all accommodations are made the same and that means there’s places where the wifi wasn’t great or the quality to price wasn’t there. How you can join: Apply here and get interviewed, upon selection, you’ll pay a deposit and then have access to their chapters.  There are about 3-5 chapters concurrently running.  Most of the time these do incorporate hosts.  Bansko Nomad Fest: What it is: A conference with talks, activities and exploration to celebrate the nomadic lifestyle. I’ve been in 2022 as a participant and 2023 as a first time speaker gracing the stage.  See more about that in the local Bansko papers here.  The first year was all about immersing and going to all the activities like the hot springs, pool parties, 4th of July celebration (Americans were well represented.) and well more parties. It was difficult as my friend and I were coming from Peru so that first week, we were quite jetlagged and turned into night owls.  My friend and I returned the 2nd year and were assimilated into the time zone and took the conference and all its talks by storm, networked, attended the Unconference (a chance for people that didn’t apply for speaking slots to share topics of interest) and I shared my first presentation with a sold out audience which was super exciting about High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. It’s been incredible to see it grow so much and have learned there will be new management for 2024 nomad retreat. It is unclear if I will attend, however I do recommend going as Bansko is a charming town that has a penance for the digital nomad lifestyle and would be a great entryway for any aspiring nomad. How you can Join: Sign up here. This event takes place every year at the end of June. Wild Wifi: What is it: Nomad coliving popup with focus on exploring sights in Namibia with base in Windhoek.  I went October of 2022 and was with 12 other individuals and represented America in the group. This was a first as usually most nomad retreats/co-lives I’ve been a part of, Americanness was the common factor due to the high wages and job flex that was found.  Now more and more places around the world are offering remote work and it’s never been easier to work online with ample opportunities. As the only American, I was the only one working American hours meaning my days were free and my nights were not. This made it difficult to meld with the mostly EU hour based crew during the work week however the weekend getaways were fun!  They offer a weekend to Etosha, the safari self drive game park,  Sousselsvei, the highlight of Namibia with climbing big daddy desert dunes and  Swakopmund, a small beach city, with delicious oysters and one of a kind landscapes where the beach meets giant sand dune.  How you can Join: Tine, the founder, plans to expand to other locations in Africa. Have an interview with her here and lock in your spots for the upcoming adventure to explore one of Africa’s safest countries. Beet Coliving: What is it: Charming coliving in the heart of Palermo, Sicily. Marco, the founder, works dynamically with his mom to turn a beautiful building to a well functioning co-living and co-working. There’s plenty of ergonomic desks and a kitchen with a charming patio to enjoy. He is a gracious host that takes you around the best of Sicily to a journey only one can experience as a local.  How you can Join: This

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